Helping Families Live Pain Free without Drugs
Dr. Craig G. Arvidson, DC
1119 Grand Avenue  St. Paul, Minnesota  55105
Telephone:  (651
) 224-7603   Fax: 
(651) 224-2604  


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What is Diathermy?
There are two types in common use:  ultrarsonic diathermy, and electromagnetic diathermy.

Ultrasonic diathermy refers to heating of tissues by ultrasound for the purpose of therapeutic deep heating. No tissue is ordinarily damaged hence it is generraly used in biomedical applications.

Electrromagnetic diathermy uses high frequency alternating electric or magnetic fields, sometimes with no electrode or device contact to the skin, to induce gentle deep tissue heating by induction. Again, no tissue is ordinarily damaged.

How does Diathermy work?

The Diathermy energy field pases through softer surface tissues and turns to heat when reaching more dense tissues. The heat increases circulation and helps to speed the healing process.

Heat speeds up healing by increasing blood flow to the injury. It may be used after cold treatments when inflammation and swelling are gone. Diathermy is a deep tissue heat treatment. The temperature of the injured tissues is raised by high frequency current, ultrasonic waves, or microwave radiation. Like surface heating, deep heat is used to:

* reduce pain,
* relieve muscle spasm,
* decrease soft-tissue contractures,
* resolve inflammation, and
* promote healing.

What does Diathermy feel like?

The treated area should feel pleasently warm. If the area becomes uncomfortably warm or if you feel pressure, notify the therapist or doctor immediately.

Why is Diathermy used?

It helps increase range of motion and decrease muscle spasm by relaxing muscles and connective tissues.

What are the benefits of Diathermy?

Diathermy dilates the blood vessels, thus improving circulation and increasing metabolism and waste removal. It stimulates white blood cell production and helps to prevent adhesions and scar tissue. Overall, Diathermy helps to speed the healing process.

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