Helping Families Live Pain Free without Drugs
Dr. Craig G. Arvidson, DC
1119 Grand Avenue  St. Paul, Minnesota  55105
Telephone:  (651
) 224-7603   Fax: 
(651) 224-2604  


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Diversified Technique

Diversified is the technique that generally results in the popping sound as the chiropractor makes a manual adjustment to correct misaligned or subluxated spinal segments of the neck or back, and is one of the most widely used forms of manipulation in the chiropractic field.

The focus is on restoration to normal biomechanical function, and correction of subluxation. In addition, Diversified methods have been developed to adjust extremity joints, allowing for beneficial applications in treating sports injuries and other injuries.

Diversified adjusting of the spine uses specific lines of drives for all manual thrusts, allowing for specificity in correcting mechanical distortions of the spine. X-rays and case histories are used in analysis and diagnosis. No instruments are used in the adjusting procedure. Motion palpatation and full spine, hands-on techniques are used to deliver a deeper thrust, which makes an osseous (popping) sound as the adjustment is given.

Diversified adjustive procedures consist of high velocity, low amplitude thrusts that usually results in a cavitation of a joint. These techniques attempt to use the normal biomechanics of the spine and extremities in order to create motion in spinal or extremity joints, with the goal of restoring function and structure to the joint.


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