Helping Families Live Pain Free without Drugs
Dr. Craig G. Arvidson, DC
1119 Grand Avenue  St. Paul, Minnesota  55105
Telephone:  (651
) 224-7603   Fax: 
(651) 224-2604  


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Sports Injuries

Many athletes are sidelined with injuries that could have been avoided, or because their injuries do not respond to traditional medical care.  In the first case, chiropractic care in prior to the sports activity might have prevented the injury, and in the second, chiropractic care can solve  problems that traditional medical care often cannot.

Some injured athletes continue to play, but at less than peak efficiency because their structural system is not balanced. More and more, coaches and athletes are turning away from pain-killing drugs, because they recognize that such drugs just mask the pain, and do not address the cause of the pain. Such a strategy often worsens the injury, possibly making full recovery impossible.

Therapeutic exercise, massage, and nutritional support are part of patient care for injuries such as ankle sprains, muscles strains, tendinitis (tennis elbow, for example).  Bursitis of the shoulder, and joint problems involving the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot can also be treated very effectively with chiropractic care.

However, the best thing about chiropractic is not only that it is drug-free and surgery-free care, but also that it is also preventative and performance enhancing care. Maintaining proper spinal alignment puts athletes in a state of peak efficiency, and adjustment after competition speeds the recuperative process after the stress of their particular event.

To learn more about how our office will handle your particular sports injury, please call the number above.







DISCLAIMER: No individuals, including those under our active care, should use the information, resources or tools contained within to self-diagnose or self-treat any health-related condition. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor of chiropractic or other licensed health care professional.

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